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AGENTS: How to Get an Agent

How to Get an Agent
Agents are an important part of your potential success in the creative realm, but they aren't the end all be all. That said, how do you go about getting one?
Talent Agents usually find their clients in one of three ways: 1) they are referrals from other people; 2) they are people they sought out (most often established actors that were "stolen" from other agencies); or 3) by "discovering" them through a talent showcase, student film or other completed work.
Does this mean that you won't ever be discovered by working as a waitress at a industry hangout? No, but your chances are markedly decreased if this is the only effort you make.
Too many Performers think that an Agent will choose to represent them, simply because they have an amazing headshot. True, a good headshot might give you the slightest edge toward getting a meeting, but more often than not, it ends up in the circular file (the trash).
NOTE: One quick note about headshots - you want to be sure that no matter what, you look as close to your headshot as possible. If you've gained or lost weight, changed your hair style, or simply aged a few years, nothing will turn off a Casting Agent faster than an inaccurate photo representation of you. Pay the extra money and update them as you need to.
The trick to getting a good Talent Agent is to be sure that you put yourself in a place to get discovered. That means, find work on your own. That could mean anything from doing talent showcases to student films to whatever else you can find.
NOTE: Be aware of anyone who wants to charge you money for their "representation" services. Agents represent their clients for free and only get paid when they get their clients work. Stay as far away from these types as you can.
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