Waterfall Kennels & Cattery Customer Feedback

1Please tick the questions below that describe your customer experience. Tick for YES ..... or Skip for NO
Q1-1 Was the facility in which your pets were to be accommodated clean? 
Q1-2 Could we improve on our existing high season booking procedure? 
Q1-3 Were staff/owners welcoming, friendly & polite? 
Q1-4 Were you allowed to accompany your pets to where they would be staying? 
Q1-5 Were the kennels secure and in good repair? 
Q1-6 Did our staff handle your pets in a professional and caring manner on arrival? 
Q1-7 Would you consider making use of our service again? 
Q1-8 Were you asked to provde up to date vaccination records on admission? 
Q1-9 Given our location and business model are the operating hours reasonable? 
Q1-10 Had your pets lost any condition during their stay with us and were there any obvious signs of depression or stress on collection? 

Hi There,

Feedback: Request to our Customers to Participate in our Service Delivery Survey

Please allow me to stress how valuable your feedback is as it highlights matters that require our attention.
The survey is very brief, it is just 10 questions and will only take about 5 minutes to complete.
Please feel free to contact me directly at:  richardstubbs@mweb.co.za or phone me on 011 467 3103
Thank you once again for your participation.
Kind regards
Richard Stubbs
Waterfall Kennels & Cattery.