If You Were From The NineSquare Bank - This Could Be Your Story
About Your Directory & Site Builder Built by Webo within 30 Days.
Hey there, I'm a Private Banker with Nine Square Bank; Here's My Story About Webo Hubs.
On Wednesday afternoons, we used to get together with influential professionals, entrepreneurs and decision-makers in business. We met at a golf club, drew straws for a four-ball and talked after the game. When the pandemic is over, we hope to get back to this.
Our golfing circle of high net worth clients is growing. We talk about various matters from wine, art, politics (tricky) - all the way to fashion and personal health. A few Private Bankers from my firm who pay for the club subscriptions etc., are in our group, we all have a track record, are well known, and our AUM (Assets Under Management) speak for themselves. During the rest of the week, I'm a single point of contact for the specialist services that Nine Square Bank offers. These days I work from home.
The Nine Square Bank has an identity. I like to think that it has, what I call, the three P's; Purpose, Personality and Promise. Indeed, my clients have expectations; they understand our values and how we do business.
Nine Square's community used to be fragmented; private bankers created micro-communities driven by interests. Our Webo Hub gave our clients and us a collective identity, which gave us a feeling of belonging. Absolutely the bank had an identity but did our clients see themselves as a part of a community with membership benefits; arguably not.
Most of our clients opted-in for listing on the Ninesquare Directory; what's not to like? It is a customised Webo Directory fully supported online by Webo. We market the directory, as does every listed client who may offer information, slideshows, deals, galleries, blogs, product showcases, flipbooks, accommodation or other enquiry forms, and more. The best is, it is another free service that we offer. It has given our SME clients online visibility and has lifted the cloud of dormancy from their websites.
At first, I was sceptical, and so I did some research which revealed the following:
As the leading bank in France for SME business and franchise holders, Banque Populaire clearly defines different customer needs. The bank serves 128,000 SME customers, provides 150 dedicated business centres and has 1,000 employees specialised in the SME sector.
Banque Populaire also recognises that helping small businesses to compete in the digital space is well within the capability of banks and can be a crucial part of helping this customer segment to feel more engaged with a provider of financial services.
"In 2012, we also developed a special offer called 'direct et proche' with the idea of giving SMEs and micro-businesses the opportunity to create their own website that could include an online shop. We also created a marketplace to give visibility to these websites," says Descos.* "It is a daily challenge to simplify the banking experience for our SMEs. It is extremely important to be reactive, simple and efficient. We want to deliver the best experience in the digital world. Less paper and more reactivity is the SME banker's challenge."
*Christophe Descos of Banque Populaire – 24 January 2017
I also discovered that WeboSites which is an optional extra, in whole or in part, to a directory listing, offers a full range of eBusiness, eCommerce and eMarketing enablers that are astounding. Not only can our clients build websites and advanced online trading stores, but the stores can be set up to manage a points loyalty system. Our clients, with sites, can opt-in to exchange points with each other, allowing customers to consolidate their points earned on everyday essentials for treats/indulgences! It is a great benefit to members of the NineS directory and SiteBuilder.
A Webo Hub is an online community that is like a virtual mall on the internet. All share the exact location, but each has a unique address and "the mall" offers eBusiness, eCommerce and eMarketing software to attract, retain and grow customer audiences. The Hub Directory is like Facebook or LinkedIn. All listings and sites have a URL that carries the HUB URL as a prefix, e.g. www.NineS.directory/user name or link/
WeboSites is a DIY SaaS (Software as a Service) that NineSquare offers free to clients, but there is a done for you option available per quote. The Webo Academy supports DIY Site Builders and runs an additional training opportunity that is a MasterClass that presents tried and tested frameworks and challenges our clients to DTHT (Double Turnover in Half the Time). The Masterclass is a nine-week programme with a weekly webinar on a Wednesday that I get to co-present with the CEO of Webo. I also have the option to run (With the aid of the Webo Academy eBooks and PowerPoint presentation slides) one-on-one Masterclasses with my clients.
Thus, WeboSites are person-to-person content management systems. About 50% of all websites are WordPress sites.
WordPress does a fantastic job of allowing users to present value propositions. The problem is that only a fraction of the websites on the internet is active. So you have to drive traffic to your website, or it is likely to join the majority; they're not found and are dormant. Big budgets for paid traffic is one alternative that works, but WeboSites is another way. Read more.
There are many WeboSites USP's;
The standout for me is that every customer of every client has an online Loyalty Account
and carries a NineSquare "instant access" loyalty card.
Wow, everybody having Nine Square Bank Loyalty Cards is a fantastic Nine Square audience builder and brand builder. For every client that has two thousand customers, there are two thousand loyalty card-carrying consumers out there. Do the maths for 50,000 clients – it is staggering; there will be duplication, but the audience and brand building are amazing.
Yes, WeboSites supports the CMS (Content Management System) norms, but it is, as I mentioned above, also designed, from the ground up, to support person-to-person engagement and communication.
Take, for example, WeboMeetings that offers online meeting rooms and on phone or PC meeting packs. One-on-one meetings, golf and other enjoyed engagements have had to be curtailed since the pandemic. Again I researched the matter and found the following:
"We can interact with customers about such issues across different channels. One example is online meetings: we are now launching online branches in the Nordic countries and that is really important for the future. In three online advisory branches, which use a shared screen, we can bring specialists into the meeting. This is business banking direct, and customers can access it from wherever they are. It is a really modern way of running a customer meeting." Stefan Andersson, Nordea (The Largest financial services group in Northern Europe).
Webo Meetings integrates with your choice of audio or video conference system, e.g. Skype, Zoom, Free Conference Call, WhatsApp, Teams, Facetime and more. Read more.
I have a private online meeting room for every client. It is password gated and serves to put a professional touch to our relationship. Yes, it is a relationship builder.
The concept is simple. The online reading room is a special webpage with full-page pop-up meeting room walls. Backoffice admins can type draft meeting minutes (visible on meeting wall panels; even live minute taking in multiple languages can be set up). Meeting participants conduct their discussion on the video conferencing system of their choice. The shared screen is that of the online meeting room that presents links to the material under discussion. In addition, the page offers live polls, chat and private messaging and more; it's simple to use, and it works sharing content seamlessly.
Click below to watch one or more of four Webo Videos that explain the Online Meeting Room functionality:
Thus, WeboSites are custom designed sites to meet specialist needs for person-to-person communication and engagement.
My WhatsGood Communicator App is a button bookmarklet on my phone screen that opens my contact list, dials telephone numbers or links to websites or opens eMail. My Link & List Communicator App is another button on my phone home screen; it is a personal data storage system akin to a website page but with differences. I set my page width, have many content link tabs down the side and define my keywords to drive my private search engine. Quite simply, it puts my critical filing at my fingertips on my phone.
My clients are busy people. They do not have time for long-winded surveys; yet, if I knew, in detail, what their needs are – I'd know what I must offer to delight them. When they know that every question of mine will be relevant to them, they are thrilled to answer and benefit from a survey. It's simple; my delighted clients make referrals, and my AUM skyrockets.
Webo's Agile Surveys enable me to specify the following question based on the answer to the last. Secondly, I can automate sending copies of the survey to my clients. I can also automate adding a reward to a client's Loyalty Account for completing a survey.
As I said, I work from home. Let me tell you about another Winner with the eBusiness suite of WeboSites platforms. It is the Desktop Communicator. It allows me to organise my life into desktops. I can open desktops to collaborate with a colleague, and it has a range of plug-ins that integrate some of my favourite project management and communication apps. The best is it also offers workflow templates.
I have clients that swear by the website and stores builders; indeed, they offer advanced specialisation. I also have clients that have integrated their WordPress sites with the eMarketing App. Webo's eMarketing system attracts, retains and grows business. On this front, the best is that it is their customers who grow their businesses, plus it's automated to boost reputations and referrals. Truly, it is a person-to-person marketing system that your clients are going to thank you for.
There is much more, but I suggest that you book a meeting with the Webo CEO to kickstart a win: win brand building relationship.
Warm Regards
"Private Banker"
PS: The Nine Square Bank and I are Avatars offered for demo purposes.
PPS: WeboSites are another way to get found on the internet that is based on B2B Brand Building Hubs, B2C Collective Marketing Directories and P2P eMarketing by customers who grow businesses. See the video link below titled "It's Another Way!"