Limitless Engagement
Sounds too good to be true. Think again; what works need not be complex; in fact, it often is not. Chances are your game's been played for decades; just the playing field has changed. It's probably played on the internet, and you have two choices: The old way. Or the Webo way.
Ten years ago, you customers built websites. It was easy. Prospects found their websites, and it drove business to their doors. Today's problem is that over 80% of websites are dormant, Your customers have kept their doors open, but they are taking strain. Estimates differ, but active websites have stayed between 170 million to 200 million sites over the last ten years. Site dormancy has skyrocketed to levels as high as 1.7 billion. Without a marketing engine, really attractive websites do not drive home sales; they are like sports cars with no fuel stuck in a desert.
Big ad budgets are a solution, failing which there is another way; limitless engagement in a  loop; attract, retain, grow and share to attract, and so on. Take it from me; this rolling stone gathers…
Done right; it is a never-ending loop that feeds on itself. When you ignite person-to-person contact, you establish relationships and unleash limitless engagement.
Let's take baby steps. Your customers need a community that they like, know and trust. Enjoying a sense of belonging gives them identity and pride. It's motivating to care about a  community and it is then easier to share something worth having. When you share value, it is likely to be passed on and in so doing, it will grow you a massive audience.
For want of a better word, let us call your community home on the internet a Hub. It is a place that offers resources and collective marketing. The days of going it alone without a big budget to get found are gone. We can launch a custom branded hub for you in 30 days. You can invite your customers to join your community and give meaning to collective intent.
The backbone of your online Hub is a directory. Membership is free, and you are the  Hub Host. Your customers and their customers will carry your branded loyalty card to access their private loyalty accounts where they can redeem or exchange points to consolidate benefits.
Customers will be able to subscribe to Deals Pages, Press releases and with one click sharing it will be easy to earn rewards as fans, advocates or ambassadors.  Advanced resources that will get you found, including eBusiness, eCommerce and eMarketing Software, will be at your fingertips. Agile surveys, online meeting rooms, work-from-home desktops with workspace organisers will astound as will the autoresponders, online trading possibilities, blogs, eBooks and much more.
Expect experienced mentors, digital marketing strategists, and many tried and tested growth strategies that have a reputation for driving home so-called impossible turnarounds.
Supporting entrepreneurs in a mutually rewarding relationship grows brand loyalty like no other strategy can. The best thing is - it works!
Do you drive a roadmap to your brand?
As a B2B business leader, I wonder if “the penny has dropped” for you as it did for me, as to why Branded Business Hubs; directories with site builders, would be an affordably brilliant win-win for your B2B Company and your SME clients or customers.
Isolated directories without sound value propositions have consistently failed. So, what is the roadmap to success? 
Find the answer in a video on our video library at:
In addition, share the above link with your customers so they can read about how you can provide visibility to them by granting them access to software that will automate the process of their customers growing their businesses.
Webo Hubs offer the most comprehensive directory site builders in the world.
Finally, I would be thrilled to chat on a short call, at a mutually convenient time set up  through my Calendly:

I look forward to hearing from you.

Warm regards,
Webo CEO


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