How does it work?
Webo sets up the Customised Hub at the URL that we agree with the Big Business Client is the most appropriate Brand Building URL available within 30 days. It's like Facebook or Linkedin where everyone has the same address prefix. But, every SME site is at a unique URL eg www.BBname.tld/SMEusername/ eg
We supply Webo with a list of all the opt-in SME clients of the BB (Big Business). The list details contact information such as who to contact, hours of business, location, website address, category, sub-category, username, password, etc., and Webo loads the data into a directory. SME's can claim a listing and edit the data, plus they can upgrade the listing by using the advanced content management options open to them. Online support is available, and there is a How-To-Tips page at the foot of every listing builder option.
SMEs can also join the DTHT (Double Turnover in Half the Time) webinar masterclass. It is a series of nine webinars that challenge SMEs to Double Turnover in Half the Time.
SME's can create stunning information pages with an about us page, linked slideshows, picture galleries, blogs, eBook/Brochure presenters, polls, specialist communicators, deals, social media integration and more. They can also add links to loyalty, coupon or referral rewards, websites, stores and more.
The Directory gives the community of SMEs and the BB a collective identity. All market their listings creating a massive collaborative marketing initiative that is mutually beneficial to all.
All listed SMEs can also upgrade their digital marketing platforms by adding eBusiness, eCommerce and eMarketing sites. Again, there is online support supplied by the Webo help desk, and there are How-To-Tips on every page of the site builder.
Every customer of every SME gets an online BB Branded Loyalty Card that instantly links to a private customer online loyalty account where customers can view their loyalty rewards, points, reviews, points exchange requests and more. Hundreds of thousands of customers in the community will carry the BB loyalty card.
The available technology is astounding. Not only are there options to build and host websites, stores, blogs, eBooks, galleries and more with social media integration. There are also advanced agile survey builders, autoresponders, specialist data communicator apps, online meeting rooms, loyalty programmes, deal marketing apps, reputation and referral marketing apps, plus online work-from-home desktop workspace organisers. Yes, there is much more, which is why it is billed as the most comprehensive Directory and Site Builder in the world.
If your B2B Agency is looking to branch out by specialising in the B2SME space. Be amazed and read more at:
Adding a Webo Hub distributorship to your range of offerings will give you a leg up to be a specialist agency in the ever-growing B2SME space.
You can also book a one-on-one demo with the Webo CEO at: and secure your B2SME Distributorship.
Be safe; regards,
Jane Young
PS I am an Avatar Marketer. I hope that you enjoyed my story.