Mugs and Info Home Page at www.MUGSand.Info

                                             Welcome to Mugs and Info

We specialise in partnering with businesses who believe, as we do, that Mug Marketing builds customer audiences, and that Mug Branding campaigns to customers and staff are 
an opportunity to present your identity and value proposition for one-on-one consideration.
& Reliability
& Confidence
& Reputation
Satisfaction &  Referrals
 Buy More/More Often & they
Spread the Word
Meaning & Empowerment
 & Motivation
& Value
& Morale
Stay Longer
& they Spread the Word
Let's face it, times are tight. Your marketing and branding campaign funds need to be spent wisely. Coffee, like chocolates, appeals to a wide audience.
A good coffee offers aroma, taste and warmth.
A well-timed coffee soothes anxiety and offers an amazing opportunity to attract attention by way of a message on a mug. 
Ads in newspapers have to compete for attention in the instant they come into focus, whereas a coffee mug not only does not compete for attention, it gets attention, time and again.
We specialise in print-on-demand order fulfilment.
This means that coffee mugs are ideal to offer messages that will be memorable because they are used daily. In addition, they can be individually personalised to be relevant to a person, team, department, event, campaign, season or themed marketing or brand-building drive.
We all love a freebie, especially one that is relevant and likely to be used repeatedly as they are long-lasting.
Mugs are perfect to promote events as the messages can be themed to be fun and creatively versatile.
Celebrating seasonal joy or celebratory days such as mother's or father's day offers the opportunity to boost your brand identity by supporting the occasions with staff and customers.
A thought-provoking quote on a mug given in exchange for a referral is an affordable way to grow your audience. Getting more than one just opens 
the door to regifting and further audience building.
There is a place for "Pay-Per-Click" and social media. There too, is a need for one-on-one connections that grab attention over and again. Mug promotions ensure a high percentage of mug recipients will remember who it came from and the message.
In addition to mugs, we also supply mug accessories. Pens, notebooks, flasks, calendars, stress balls and other seasonal personalised gifts that are a good fit for a branded coffee mug.
In summary, you will be amazed how something as simple as a well-themed coffee mug can attach a consumer to your brand. We are here to work with you on a theme and strategise the delivery of your marketing messages to consumers as well as your values, strategies and vision to your customers and staff.


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