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Collective Marketing Wow! (Blog Topic) posted by Bob (Admin)
Posted By : Bob  28th, November 2012
Why list on an Existing Website Hub ?
Maybe you need your own Hub?

The world trend to online shopping is growing steadfastly across Africa and South Africa is leading the way in Cell Phone based internet browsing. Customers are sourcing products, services, websites, stores, malls and more online. A Hub or Mall-On-The-Net offers customers a virtual shopping mall experience. Each shop within the virtual mall has a choice of showcasing their products and or services by way of a listing, website or an online trading store. Hub websites ( We call them Malls on the Net) are interactive customer service centres and are not just limited information listings. Here you can watch videos send in pictures, download product manuals, link to other websites, email the right people and more. Most importantly our Hubs are conversations. We market user opinion on what's good and what's not. we survey browsers to gather opinion on text questions as well as on images. We gather information by way of direct response forms and more. These features offer a dynamic environment that is a step up from a "pretty brochure."
It is not about "Do you have a website?"
It's about "Having a presence within a collectively marketed community!"
It is suggested, by some, that an online Mall or Business Hub are very different. We however use the terms Online Mall, Hub, Directory, Catalogue, Membership Portal etc broadly and interchangeably, as in so many ways, they do share certain similarities. 

Physical shopping mall tennants benefit from offering customers the marriage of an on-line and an off-line shopping experience. Customers browse for specials at stores in there local malls. Many of the anchor tennants may be national chains that have huge "brochure type" websites. In this case the matter is not about whether or not stores have websites. The question is will stores and customers benefit from an online local conversation via an online buyers catalogue? There are often a half a dozen malls within a 10 minute drive of any large city location. Will buyers find items on the net and then destination shop? That's the trend. Retailers benefit from collectively marketing themselves and buyers have a the opportunity to efficiently shop.

  • The Online Mall adds browsing convenience to many who will establish shopping destinations on the internet. They will then visit the store and collect goods. It is a marriage of the two channels to the customers pocket  - a look and feel experience and the convenience of an online browsing expedition that is something like easy "window shopping" from the comfort of your home.
  • A Business Hub may be home to in depth presentations by branded business participants within an industry or geographical community. To one degree or another, manufacturers, importers, franchisors, shopping malls and all other entities higher up the supply chain are in the business of creating and servicing communities.
  • If your organisation consists of many sub-entities then online Malls & Hubs enable collective marketing synergy for the sellers and a convenient destination for buyers seeking information and or a trading opportunity.
  • As all online store and website entities have their own direct internet addresses the fact that they are in a Mall or a Hub is no different to being in a telephone book, newspaper or Yellow Pages. Being in the latter gives synergy to the collective power of the impact of each of the entities marketing themselves within the their collective communities.
You may list on one of our online Malls or you can get your own. Individually branded Malls / Hubs to your "Look & Feel" requirements are highly cost effective. Final pricing will depend upon the degree of customisation that is required but our (click build/no coding required) "off the shelf" Hub/Mall customisations are cost effective for groups consisting of only a handfull of entities to those groups  consisting of many hundred, if not, thousands of entities.
We offer an enormous breakthrough to collective marketing at an affordable cost.

The setting up and maintenance of websites is best done in whole or in part by in store personnel. Our system's complexity enables its simplicity. No high tech skills are needed to build and or maintain websites. If one can “type in the box” and attach pictures one can manage one’s own website but if time is the “enemy” hiring us or another will be cheaper than hiring high tech IT skills. Online video tutorials are available and coaching sessions can be arranged.

A Hub takes a community of websites into shoppers’ homes offering convenience and the ability to explore shopping destinations. The focus of Hub websites is not to fully duplicate in store product ranges but to highlight in-store specials, promotions and to introduce local staff so as to build customer relationships at a local level.

The hub has a search engine to find products, websites and stores by keyword or part word and it has an alphabetical directory for alpha based browsing. Channeling defined titles, descriptions and keywords to external search engines such as Google facilitates global search engine optimisation.
The Internet is the easiest and most accessible resource to all tourists and as a result they will use it to search for their needs. Tourists are unlikely to walk the streets when, back home, they shop or browse online.  Webo enables you to capture your slice of this market.
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