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LPM: For Professional Services

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Loyalty Apps for Professions; Beauty, Therapy, Health, Wellness and Medical
Enable your customers to grow your business
Designed to grow your business the Webo Digital App is unlike any other. It confidentially delivers information at an inter-personal level on demand. It does not send SMS nor e-mail and is a tap to open information communicator button on your phone/PC. 
Knowledge is valued
When it comes to health, therapy and beauty our experience is that people are not looking for short cuts. They want to be reliably informed. In a recent two-day split-test we showed that longer video content on beauty therapy was preferred by 2,800 views by women over 50 who live within 10 miles of Fourways, Johannesburg.
The idea of trading personal info for benefits is at the center of every loyalty program. From a marketing perspective, the more data you can collect on the needs and desires of your customers, the more targeted you can make your communications, promotions and rewards. The problem is that with health, beauty and therapy there are confidentiality boundaries that need to be observed. Customers want to know about therapy promotions and salon discounts but they want it to be confidential and at an inter-personal level.
Links to Content
Opening the Webo Digital App Communicator in the privacy of your home is the ideal solution to link to information in unlimited video and picture galleries, eBooks and online Magazines. Blogs are more confidential than social media and certain topics can be followed by customers who have password protected access.
Buddy Partners
Programmes like the Discovery Vitality program offer clues to what could be used with success by professions in the medical, beauty and other professional market places. What Vitality have tried, tested and proven is that cashback’s and discounts with buddy partners works. We have paired a beauty treatment center with an aircraft distributor, a fine art artist and a pet kenneling and grooming service. No prize for guessing that the wives of private aircraft buyers, buyers of expensive commissioned art and pet owners watched an anti-aging beauty therapy video a few thousand times in a couple of days.
One-Click Referrals
Many medical and beauty therapists have reservations about marketing for professional and other reasons. One-on-one recommendations from patients however fall under the radar of ethical standards that may restrict marketing. What was the world of word of mouth marketing now has the multiplier and convenience of social media available to drive audience reach. It remains unacceptable to seek to broadcast personal medical information but, as is the case with the Discovery Vitality Program, promoting buddy rewards has no boundaries.
The process of offering buddy awards offers the buddy business exposure in return for benefits to your customers that could become loyal repeat customers of the buddy business.
Customers share valued information, because it is one-click easy and their referrals will grow your business
To summarise, in the beauty business, we have found that eyeballs are attracted to knowledge. Whether it be anti-aging therapy or hairstyles, potential customers want to know more. Our split tests have revealed that 99.9% of the time the 5 minute plus video is preferred to the under one minute video. Clearly, customers will want to know more. The content and presentation must be good and understandable. If the information is valued it will be shared on a one-on-one basis by individuals with their friends, provided, it is simple to do so.
Communicate at an inter-personal level
The trick is to have dedicated opt-in databases for short messaging, for e-mail and another for blog topic followers. In addition, build relationships with a one-on-one personal App Communicator.
Specialist Professional Services
There was a time when a profession was deemed to refer to a very narrow group of occupations. Today, a profession is generally deemed to include occupations that require advanced and specialist education and training that will transfer knowledge and build trust in the individual to deliver their professional services.
As an example a Doctor, Lawyer, Accountant and a Laser Beauty Therapist all must be educated to acquire the skills and then they must build experience before they will merit the trust that the service requires.
A lawyer needs to have a deep understanding of the the needs and wants of the practice's clients. What are the client's strategic desires, concerns and weaknesses that need plugging. Armed with this information the lawyer will better be able to present proposals to the client.
Professional services are about people dealing with people and so trust is not enough. There needs to be regular contact, there needs to be a system of gathering and promoting referrals. There needs to be a structured approach to relationship building. These latter matters are uniquely addressed by Webo's 4 Channel Marketing System.
While the specifics may differ the Doctor, Lawyer, Accountant and Laser Beauty Therapist all have to have a deep understanding of their client's needs, wants, problems etc so as to offer advise on the way forward. All need to build relationships and so the Webo 4 Channel Marketing system is easily adapted to meet the needs of all professions.
Many marketing/advertising campaigns reach into markets on an anonymous basis. Neither the potential buyer nor the seller have an inter-personal connection. The Webo App and the 4 Channel Marketing System build relationships which are critical to the growth of professional services.


Webo Digital Giveaways

PcPe: The People Centred Performance Enhancement eBook is published in over one hundred countries and is available on Amazon. If you seek a turnaround strategy that works this eBook is tried and tested and has turned around small businesses, National Government Departments and even a University Department. You can read the reviews and about the USA 5 Star Award on Amazon. Click the links above to read these books on Webo Apps. TTGO: The book on the right Time to Go Online will help you navigate the challenges of going online.  There is no charge for these eBooks - we do not ask for e-mail adresses. If you'd like to chat however, let's set up a strategy session and get your business growing.



Webo Digital Links

Link to the following Referral Marketing Comunicators:

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Our Loyalty & Referral Communicator is built to suit individual requirements with our SaaS for local businesses.

Join the Webo Refer-A-Friend or Business Connection Programme
Our Advocates cash reward is R500 ($30) & our Ambassadors get R1 000 ($60)
per successful Referral. T's & C's Apply.  Click here to READ MORE

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