About Us
and Our MD
Herman Dormehl
Innovation excellence
We are proud of our reputation for innovation excellence. Our MD, Herman Dormehl has been at the cutting edge of high tech innovation for over 30 years. He has, over the years, excelled in the creation of product and service innovation.
The benchmark we use is to exceed customer expectations, continuously.
Innovation Strategy
Innovation implementation is driven by the possibility of the desired state of transformation excellence.  Herman drives our Strategy, which gives direction, but when driven by innovation, it creates the desired value proposition, which is ours.
Underpinning success is relevance. Relevance requires that we are and remain close to our customers. In the field of high tech products and services, change is a given. Customer needs, wants and fears change. Innovation is often enabled by a deep understanding of customer needs, wants and fears and influencing the next generation of high tech deliverables to meet established needs.
Underpinning success is relevance. Relevance requires that we are and remain close to our customers. In the field of high tech products and services, change is a given. Customer needs, wants and fears change. Innovation is often enabled by a deep understanding of customer needs, wants and fears and influencing the next generation of high tech deliverables to meet established needs.
We are an Innovation Breeding Ground
When Vision drives Strategy in circumstances where the Vision is formulated to create a better way, founded on the insight of customers, at the coal face of service delivery, a breeding ground for innovation will exist. We seek to drive simple, easy and affordable innovation in the application of DIY technology.
Corporate Culture
Not all innovations need to be radical breakthroughs.  A culture of celebrating continuous minor improvements results in substantial progress towards a simple, easy, and affordable new way.
We know that innovation leads to meeting needs, addressing fears or wants that our target market has, as yet, not realised. Our key to success falls back to being close to our customers. Our focus is to build relationships founded on trust necessary to meet needs that are, as yet, unseen.
Our leadership lives the innovation strategy embedded in the corporate culture of our vision-led business strategy,
and thus, it is not surprising that our corporate culture defines our mantra: 
Simple, Easy and Affordable Innovation Excellence.  
We take the guesswork out of product bundling. Whether it is a solar-powered solution in any format or not, consumers face the daunting task of creating an efficient, effective and economical bundle of products to deliver the desired result.  Because we sell desired benefits that are measurable, it is simple to select a product bundle of ours that provides what is stated: "on the box." Yes, what is stated on the box must be simple to understand, and it must work.
We are in the DIY niche where our bundles are "plug and play" easy to install.
Because our supply chain is set up to supply dealer networks, we can scale business to volumes that make supply affordable for all.
Formidable Value Proposition
We know who we want to serve, their needs, and what is needed to provide value. This knowledge is akin to the demand that drives our supply of a proposition that delivers value. The value lies in providing relevant and measurable BENEFITS versus presenting FEATURES.
We help our customers enjoy a sustainable quality of life without breaking the bank! 


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