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About Referral Marketing
Referral Programs
Referral programs are encouraged and suppliers of goods and services to our members should contact us if you would like to offer our members a referral program.
About Referral Marketing
The power of word of mouth referrals needs no introduction. The chances are that where you receive a referral from a trusted friend who has first hand experience of the value of a suppliers products and services that the referral will effect an engagement between your friend and the supplier.
The problem is that people that are delighted by the products and services received actually do not refer them to their friends. How many referrals do you get on your facebook page from friends or business connections?  In fact, an internation study by the Texas Tech University, confirms that: 83 percent of users are likely to share a product or service after a good experience. Yet only 29 percent  actually do. That means that an average of 45 percent of users who would otherwise share do not share.
The problem and the solution? Satisfied customers that have something to share generally do not do so.  The reason is that it is not easy to do while enjoying the experience. Incentivising customers helps but "quick and easy" sharing coupled with a valued incentive are the keys to success.
Our App makes it easy to share and it offers a structured transparent referral programme that is a win, win for both the member and the friend.
Everybody knows somebody that needs the products or services that delight users in a community. As a Bathawk customer you know that Bathawk is customer centric and that the aircraft and aircraft related products and services offered consistently delight. Our referral programme is thus designed to make it easy to take traditional word of mouth marketing to new levels,
Statically studies have found that between 70% and 86% will share when it is worth their while and it is easy to do. Thus:
  • For every 100 customers,
  • 70% will share with friends on say,
  • Facebook where, on average, they have 338 friends.
  • This referral will then reach: 70% x 338 people x 100 customers = 23,660 referrals in the first step.
  • In the next step the reach explodes but suffice to say that the local reach will be saturated and that product and service awareness will have been achieved.
  • Studies show that in seven steps of friends and connections sharing, everyone in the world on the internet will be reached.
What is in it for Micro Aviation
Suffice to say that with the Bathawk Portal "Webo" App making it easy, you will earn the Micro Aviation Bathawk brand positive engagement and you will leverage customer advocacy to effectively accelerate the growth of Micro Aviation.
What is in it for you?
Turnover levels that sustain consistently good products and services that delight and which service your needs and desires.
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