Site Builder Accreditation


As a Site Builder, who is your target market & why do they want a site? 
  • Increasing their visibility: A website can help SMEs reach more potential customers with structured interventions to encourage customers to grow their business via social media sharing that is easy and rewarded.
  • Improving their accessibility: A website can help SMEs provide 24/7 access to their customers who can browse their offerings, engage and contact them, or make purchases at any time of the day. A website can also help SMEs update and distribute information, deals and classifieds easily and quickly.
  • Enhancing their credibility: A website can help SMEs establish their brand identity, reputation and trustworthiness. A website can also help SMEs showcase their achievements, testimonials, awards, or certifications. Most importantly, a website can present a powerful value proposition.
  • Understanding their customer behaviour: A website with an Agile Survey capability can help SMEs collect and analyze data on their customer preferences, needs, feedback, and satisfaction. A website can also help SMEs personalize their marketing campaigns and offers based on customer insights.
  • Standing out from the competition: A website can help SMEs differentiate themselves from their rivals by highlighting their unique value proposition, competitive advantage, or social responsibility. A website can also help SMEs create loyal customers through referral, loyalty, or reward programs.
<p style="padding: 0px; margin: 12px 0px 0px; user-select: text; word-break: break-word; font-size: 16px; line-height: var(--cib-type-body2-line-height); font-variation-settings: var(--cib-type-body2-font-variation-settings); color: rgb(17, 17, 17); font-family: -apple-system, Roboto, SegoeUI, " segoe="" ui",="" "helvetica="" neue",="" helvetica,="" "microsoft="" yahei",="" "meiryo="" meiryo,="" "arial="" unicode="" ms",="" sans-serif;="" background-color:="" rgba(255,="" 255,="" 0.7);"="">These are some of the main benefits of building a website for SMEs, but there may be others depending on each business's specific goals and challenges. A website is a powerful tool to help SMEs grow and succeed in the digital age.
Do your prospective B4U Site clients want
a beautiful site with a personality that gets found? .
Agency Appointments

All Webo "ftale" business opportunities are Agency Appointments.  Agents can be accredited as Marketplace Marketers, Site Builders and eMarketing Agencies. Agents are independent businesses that are contractually appointed on a non-exclusive basis after a three-month trial. Webo Agencies can be built up and sold for their account, subject to buyer accreditation.

Interestingly, we refer to our Site Builders as Webo Spiders as they work the web to find prospects!
Please select a team member below to schedule a callback or book an online meeting with the selected team member.



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