About the Promotion


About Our Beer Promotion

First allow us to tell our story. It is well know and often repeated.
The Reinheitsgebot is the original German Beer Purity law, first decreed by Duke Wilhelm II in 1516. It stated that a beer may only contain malted barley, hops and water. This is what makes Windhoek 100% Pure – and it is a brewing ethos that Windhoek brew masters stick to, without compromise. It’s an ethos that stands for an unwavering commitment to quality in Windhoek Draught, Windhoek Lager and Windhoek Light. Even though there are cheaper, faster ways to brew beer, Windhoek follows the way of the Reinheitsgenbot no matter what.
Next, we wish to encourage you to tell your story. Another well known fact is that a picture tells a thousand words. Our promotion entails the following:
  • Take a picture that tells the story of your enjoyment of a Windhoek Draught.
  • The picture must feature at least one Windhoek Draught Beer and one person over the age of 18 years.
  • Fun, creative, unique, and innovative ideas will set you apart.
  • Upload your pictures to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram and tag them with the #hastag:  #windhoekdraught
  • Select a participating outlet and purchase 5 cases of Windhoek Draught from them.
  • Submit your invoices to your selected participating outlet together with a copy/printout of a picture uploaded to your preferred social media account in exchange for a PROMO CODE that will be provided while stocks last.
  • Register on this site and purchase (for free) one coupon, Login to your account, select GET and download the print version of the coupon. You may redeem only one coupon.
  • Hand in your print coupon with your picture when you purchase the DEAL Package at R399 plus Vat.
  • You get one case plus a six pack (440ml) plus the Cooler Box = R830 value for R399!


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