Deals vs Coupons
Deals vs Coupons
The world over, deals and coupons are used to excite trade. The terms are relatively interchangeable but may be defined to have different meanings. They both encourage first-time purchases that lead to buyers becoming loyal customers who buy more and more often.
On the Webo Directory, listed businesses may offer deals. These deals are vouchers that are offered to buy on defined terms and conditions, and they are not tracked. On the Fourways Virtual Mall (FVM), deal coupons are tracked.  Buyers register for coupons, and they may add these to their online loyalty accounts. When they are redeemed, for a purchase, the event may be recorded in their online loyalty accounts. On the FVM we reward customers for writing reviews and for sharing comments on social media with shareable Deal Coupon Vouchers. The word Coupon is generally used by us within a Loyalty Programme where customers are rewarded with a coupon that offers a benefit in return for points earned and redeemed from a loyalty account balance.
Online Loyalty Accounts are opened for every customer that registers so that they can save deals and coupons and where they can check their loyalty and referral status.
We accord membership status to Ambassadors (those that share on social media), Advisors (those that write reviews) and Ambassadors(those that successfully refer a friend.
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